Search Cars

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. First you have to become a member at JordanCars.Net
  2. In order to place any advert online you need to have registered with us. This is to ensure we have a valid email address with which to communicate with you and allows us to track your advert. You will also receive a range of registered user benefits, such as our Newsletter.

  3. Take a Photo of your car

    You can upload photographs of your vehicle to accompany your advert. Buyers are often far more comfortable about making a purchase if they can see what they are buying.

    • You can include up to 5 different images in your advert. These appear as thumbnail pictures next to your advert which a potential buyer can click on to enlarge, allowing them to see your vehicle in greater detail.
    • Always make sure that you take pictures of the car form more than one angle like the front, back & from the inside…etc.
    • And make sure that the pictures are clear and are taken in daylight.
    • We will automatically resize the images you supply for the website.
    • Remember, if the images are very large, they may take a long time to upload to our site depending on your internet connection speed.
    • You can check Below samples of how to take photos of your car.
  4. Upload you car pictures and info
  5. After taking the pictures of your car, log in to members area upload your pictures, add the car information (the more the details you add, your advert will get better chance to appear in search results) and then hit the confirmation button.

  6. Admin Check
  7. After you complete the upload procedures your car ad will be sent to the website admin system for final check up to make sure that all the data is legible (this process takes 48 Hours). After that your ad will appear in the search results.

Information supplied in this site may be shared with other group companies. When you register with our site, as well as offers and services from third party companies that we feel might be of interest to you.

From time to time, we may ask our market research partners to contact you by telephone or E-mail as part of a survey of our services. You will be able to choose at the time whether or not you want to take part in that survey.

If you start receiving calls about a car for sale which you didn’t add on JordanCars.Net or if some one has used your details on JordanCars.Net without your approval, without delay you should report it to the website officials at

If you are looking for a specific car and can’t find it on JordanCars.Net you could always send us an inquiry of the car details to and we will inform you if the car is available on the data base

If you face any difficulties with the website and you don’t know what to do, you could always contact our IT team at and we would be glad to help you in any means possible

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